No problems; sp in csv now has this, the next release will have it.

Torleif Markussen Lunde wrote:
> Hi
> To read netcdf data (or any other "gridded" spatial time data) I find it 
> convenient to define new classes Spatial3dArray and Spatial4dArray.
>  setClass("Spatial3dArray", 
>         representation("Spatial", data = "array", coords = "list", 
>                         time = "character", btime = "character"),
>         prototype= list(data = array(NA, c(1,1,1,1)), 
>                         bbox=matrix(NA), 
>                         proj4string = CRS(as.character(NA)), 
>                         coords = list(1,1),
>                         time = "posix",
>                         btime = "posix"))
> ##########################################
> ###################EXAMPLE##################
> ##########################################
> x <- matrix(seq(-10, 10, length = 100), 100, 100, 
>           byrow = FALSE)
> y <- matrix(seq(-10, 10, length = 100), 100, 100, 
>           byrow = TRUE)
> tm <- 1:10
> tm.c <- as.character(seq(as.POSIXct("2002-01-01 06:00:00",
>                                   "2002-01-01 15:00:00"), 
>                         by="hours", 
>                         length.out=10))
> z <- array(NA, c(dim(x)[1], dim(x)[2], length(tm.c), 1))
> for (i in 1:10) {
> z[,,i,] <- i * ( sin(sqrt(x^2+y^2)))
> }
> sin3dA <- new("Spatial3dArray", 
>       data = z, 
>       coords = list(x, y), 
>       bbox = matrix(c(min(x), min(y), max(x), max(y), 2, 2), 2, 2, 
>       dimnames = list(NULL, c("min","max"))), 
>       time = tm.c,
>       btime = c(min(tm.c), max(tm.c)))
> dimnames(slot(sin3dA, "data")) = list(NULL, 
>                                     NULL, 
>                                     slot(sin3dA, "time"), 
>                                     c("a"))
> names(slot(sin3dA, "coords")) <- c("x", "y")
> ##########################################
> for the coordinates method I would like to have two options on how to return 
> the coordinates; "list" or default "sp":
> coordinates.3dArray <- function (obj, type = "sp") {  
>       lat <- slot(obj, "coords")[[1]]
>       long <- slot(obj, "coords")[[2]]
>       if (type == "list") {
>               return(list(long=long, lat=lat))
>       } else if (type == "sp") {
>               res <- as.matrix(cbind(c(long), c(lat)))
>               dimnames(res) <- list(NULL, c("x1", "x2"))
>       } 
> }
> setMethod("coordinates", signature("Spatial3dArray"), coordinates.3dArray)
> This means that the default coordinates method in sp has to include the 
> option 
> "..." . Would it be possible to include this in a future release of sp? 
> The reason I want to keep the list option is to use a matrix oriented 
> approach 
> in spplot, overlay, etc. methods. I also feel having a matrix/array approach 
> with these kind of data makes sense. Allowing type = "sp" means overlay() 
> will 
> work more or less out of the box (however I would like to return a matrix), 
> and still I could get the list/matrix when desired. 
> Best wishes
> Torleif Markussen Lunde
> Centre for International Health
> Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
> University of Bergen
> Norway
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