On Thu, 28 Oct 2010, Roger Bivand wrote:

On Thu, 28 Oct 2010, Hauser, Christoph wrote:

Hi all!

As a newcomer to both r and spatial econometrics I am trying to become
familiar with both worlds. I have a question which is hopefully not too
trivial: I am trying to create a second order queen matrix for European
regions. As indicated in the documentation on spdep nblag and
cumul_nblag are the appropriate commands to carry out this task
(starting from the poly2nb command). Both commands worked fine, but they
provided me with a second order matrix with one region having zero
second order neighbors  (IE01 - Central Ireland). When I tried to
convert the nb object from cumul_nblag to a listw object the command
failed with the error message that one region has zero neighbors. This
struck me as odd given that the combination of first and second order
matrices should make sure that each region has a neighbor (I don't have
islands in my set). After inspecting the two neighbor matrices I noticed
that the combination  of the two matrices based on cumul_nblag worked
out for every region except the one with zero second order neighbors. My
question now is if it is customary for nblag_cumul to endow each region
that has zero second order neighbors also in the cumulated matrix with
zero regions? Does that make sense from a theoretical point of view?

Please put the input data and your code on a website, post the link, and I'll try to see whether this is intended or not. It may well be that the region with no second order neighbours is causing havoc.

Is the problem that you have a data set (maybe from GISCO) that includes different NUTS levels in the same file? The one I'm looking at includes IE, IE0 - identical, all Eire, then IE01 and IE02, which divide Eire into two parts at NUTS2, then IE01?, IE02?, in total 8 NUTS3 regions? Which level of NUTS are you working at, and where have your boundaries come from? Are you sure that your file does not include multiple levels - I can reproduce the problem when multiple levels are present, but not otherwise.



I would be grateful for any help in this regard!


PS: I am happy to provide my dataset if that is helpful.

Dr. Christoph Hauser

University of Innsbruck

Department of Economic s

Universitaetsstrasse 15

6020 Innsbruck

Tel.: 0043 512 507 7354

Fax: 0043 512 507 2980

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Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
e-mail: roger.biv...@nhh.no

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