Dear Members,

I want to convert a 356 x 507 (lat,lon) 2D  netcdf file into a raster so
that I can read it in to image analysis/GIS programs. I initially adopted an
approach whereby I first used NCL to convert it to a Fortran unformatted
binary and then convert it to a formatted sequential format using Fortran.
This was then read in to ENVI as a "flt" file. I would like to know if there
is an elegant way in R to directly convert to a geospatial raster, more so
because I recently switched to using a different cluster and am running into
i/o problems with all those binary conversions.


Advait Godbole, BE Mech
Doctoral Student, Global Carbon Cycle Lab
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47906
voice: +1 317 730 5235

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