Hello all,

I'd like to inform the community that I have recently developed a new
extension for GUI Builder (former Spectcl) purposed to create GUI front end
for R scripts. This extension has been created with kind support of Jeff
Hobbs (https://sourceforge.net/users/hobbs/) - one of the primer developers
of Gui Builder. My solution is totally based on the tcltk package (by Peter
Dalgaard). The code can be found at
http://spectcl.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/spectcl/trunk/guib/. The
development is done using Komodo IDE 6. You are welcome to download and try
this tool.

Important notes:

1. The tool is not tested deeply and may contain bugs.

2. In order this tool and the generated R script will run,  the Tcl/Tk 8.5
should be installed



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