Hello all,

I am still working on a GUI for hyperSpec, interactive graphics has also
become a part of my learning.  Right now I am using gWidgets and would like
to jump back and forth between command line and GUI for individual tasks.
 The problem here is my gWidgets GUI is not modal and cannot return
resultant data.  This may be a simple fix, `modal=TRUE`, maybe not.  I know
that R doesn't pass by reference (environments not included), and so a modal
GUI wouldn't be a problem here if it is possible to create one with

What are the usual methods for returning data from a GUI?

As proof of concept I created a mutaframe with qdata() from cranvas, passed
that to the GUI function and attached a handler to a button, this works as
expected with the value changing if the button is clicked, clearly I do not
want the other columns from qdata, and I don't really want to use a
dataframe as my original object, but if this is a sensible way to go then
working out how to use as.mutaframe (possibly from plumbr) could work. See

Thought, common solutions..


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