Nicholas Crookston <ncrookston.fs <at>> writes:

> A bit more information:
> Lets add a text or label (here is a label:
> lb <- glabel(container=gw,text="Label")
> This works fine on a label or text object (and I knew before I posted my
> question):
> font(lb) <- c(family="times",size=24,weight="bold",style="italic")

Try using a list instead of "c", otherwise everything is coerced to character:

font(btn) <- list(family="times",size=24,weight="bold",style="italic")

> When the font() function is called on the "button" object, it has no
> effect. In addition, setting additional options as in:
> bt <- gbutton (container=gw,text="Button", fg="red")

Nope, ... is passed to the parent container, not a font call,

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