If you just need to get the filename in your file-set handler, then it is:



Note that there is no need to access the dialog response, because we know
that the user picked a file.

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 8:13 AM, Thames, Chandra <chandra.tha...@frx.com>wrote:

> Hello List,
> I am creating a GUI application using RGtk2. I have created a window that
> has three FileChooserButtons that when you click on the button you can
> choose the file. I am wanted to have the file saved as a data frame when
> the 'Open' button is clicked after a file has been chosen in dialog window
> of when each FileChooserButton is clicked. I can't seem to get this to work
> below is part of the code that I use to create one of the buttons and then
> save the file as a data frame when the 'Open' button is clicked.
>   buttoncount <- gtkFileChooserButtonNew("Choose the File Containing the
> Count Data","clicked")
>   fileFilter <- gtkFileFilter()
>   fileFilter$setName("CSV Files")
>   fileFilter$addPattern("*.csv")
>   buttoncount$addFilter(fileFilter)
>   hbox$packStart(buttoncount)
>   gSignalConnect(buttoncount,"file-set",function(buttoncount){
>               response <- buttoncount$run
>               if (response == GtkResponseType["accept"]) {
>                 cdata <- gtkFileChooserGetFilename(buttoncount)}
>               })
> I don't believe my gSignalConnect statement is correct. Can anyone help me?
> Thanks!
> Chandra
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