> On May 27, 2017, at 3:44 AM, Martin Batholdy via R-SIG-Mac 
> <r-sig-mac@r-project.org> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I just switched to a new 2016 Macbook Pro and noticed that R is very slow 
> when used over the R app. Using R via the terminal is significantly faster.
> Especially, drawing figures in quartz is really slow

Not sure what "drawing a figure" actually means. Can you present code?

> and sometimes the following error message is printed – but this might be 
> unrelated to the speed issue:
> IMKInputSession 
> presentFunctionRowItemTextInputViewWithEndpoint:completionHandler: : [self 
> textInputContext]=0x0 *NO* NSRemoteViewController to client, NSError=Error 
> Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection from pid 0 was 
> invalidated from this process." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection 
> from pid 0 was invalidated from this process.}, 
> com.apple.inputmethod.EmojiFunctionRowItem

This error in Sierra hosted apps has also been reported on other app forums (as 
well as once before on this mailing list Mon, 19 Dec 2016 by 
a.becker...@sheffield.ac.uk but got no response):




> Is this a known issue related to Sierra and/or the new Macbook Pros? Are 
> there any workarounds or fixes?

I surely don't know about workarounds but this does appear to be specific to 
Sierra. My MacbookPro is too old to get an update to Sierra. I do wonder if you 
have an updated (or any) XQuartz and XCode? Generally a complete question will 
include your versions of all essential system and R packages. 

What does sessionInfo() return?

Try clicking on the system taskbar XQuartz icon and  using `XQuartz/About X11` 
and copying the version. I get:

XQuartz 2.7.11 (xorg-server 1.18.4)

My XCode version is: Version 8.2.1 (8C1002) but ISTR that Sierra needs a later 

And you should also probably indicate whether you have used either MacPorts or 

The other system resource needed in the past was Tcl/Tk although I think that 
now should get installed and attached by default with any current version of R. 
The last link of the three above appeared related to the Tk interface which is 
used by R.app and the tcltk package is part of the base installation, so might 
be relevant, but this is written at the level of speculation. My other 
hypothesis is that two different installations of Tcl/Tk might give problems on 
one machine that were not encountered by others.


> Thanks for any suggestions!
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David Winsemius
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