
Thanks for the screen shot.

A bit more experimentation and a quick look at the code refreshed my memory.

If you exit R, .RData is always written to the directory you are in.

In your setting, on q() to quit, R.app should ask for conformation to save the workspace.

If you don't change your directory it should create a .RData in your home directory (that's where your R.app started).

Preferences do not provide help here, but you could create a .Last function with a save.image() command in it to force storing the .RData file to a fixed directory. In that case you can opt to set the Quit preferences to 'No' (don't ask me to store the workspace).

For history its a (tiny) bit more flexible. By selecting an absolute path, like you have in your setting, it will always store the current available history commands in that file (including the ones that were read in during startup, so the new commands are at the end of the file).

If this does not work for you, can you send me your ~/.Rhistory file after executing a last new command in R.app, maybe something like 'testHist <- 1' and quitting R.app?

As you found in the archives, a few folks did have trouble (usually because R.app could not write to the selected directory).

After this email it might be better to take this discussion off-line.


On May 5, 2009, at 11:50 AM, Loren Engrav wrote:

Thank you

From: Rob Goedman <robjgoed...@me.com>
Date: Tue, 05 May 2009 11:36:25 -0700
To: Loren Engrav <eng...@u.washington.edu>
Cc: "r-sig-mac@stat.math.ethz.ch" <r-sig-mac@stat.math.ethz.ch>
Subject: Re: [R-SIG-Mac] R.app history forgets


Can you send me a screen copy of the Startup preferences ( with the
cursor inside the Startup Preferences window, press Command-Shift-4,
followed by pressing the spacebar, followed by a click of the mouse
button, this should write it to your Deskop as 'Picture 1').


On May 5, 2009, at 11:24 AM, Loren Engrav wrote:

Mac OS 10.5.5 and R.app 2.9.0

I start up, run a few things, and quit (w or wo save) and no directory

Then I restart and the recent commands are no longer in Rhistory

The only box I have checked in History preferences is Read on
Startup and I
have max entries set to 5000

I see queries about this before but I could find no solution

Thank you

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On May 5, 2009, at 9:37 AM, Loren Engrav wrote:

Thank you
The return before clicking anywhere else solved that problem, clever

So I trash all invisible .Rhistory and .Rdata files
Then made a new folder (called R_History_Data) and aim Preferences at this
folder (using the return)
Then run R.app and yes, I have one .Rhistory and one .Rdata in that folder

But then I change the working directory and do some stuff
Then quit and save working directory
And now I have two of each invisible files, one in R_History_Data and one in
the working directory folder

So it still appears as I move from directory to directory I will leave
invisible .Rhistory and .Rdata files all over

Is it possible to have Rhistory and Rdata always written to the
R_History_Data folder?

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