
> I also tried to aquamacs / Emacs, but had some trouble because it was not 
> accepting my curly braces {} out of the box.

Sorry, I can't figure out what you mean by that. Could you please elaborate?

> Plus, I just got the R console running inside emacs and not my script 
> submitted to R. Though, i´d like to give it another try  - so you have any 
> suggestions how to get over the hump a little easier... go ahead :) .

If you have an R process running within emacs (M-x R) and are
currently working in an R source buffer, you can send the contents of
the buffer to your inferior R process by hitting:

ctrl-c ctrl-l

Is that what you meant?

To send just the current line where your "point" is:

ctrl-c ctrl-j
ctrl-c ctrl-n

Here's an ess cheatsheet you can peruse:

> Does anybody have some experience with that R console inside Eclipse...

I briefly flirted with Eclipse + StatET a long time ago, but didn't
really get into it.

> somehow I do not really trust it yet, but that´s just a gut feeling.

What about it seems so duplicitous to you?

Steve Lianoglou
Graduate Student: Computational Systems Biology
 | Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
 | Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Contact Info: http://cbio.mskcc.org/~lianos/contact

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