You can specify this by environment variables.  Note that (as
all OS X apps) does not use values set in .bashrc / .profile, so the
easiest way is to put the following into your ~/.Rprofile file (create
it, if needed);

 Sys.setenv("R_INTERACTIVE_DEVICE" = "x11")
 Sys.setenv("R_DEFAULT_DEVICE" = "pdf")

This will use pdf as the plotting device when you run R CMD BATCH and
it will use X11 as device when you are in an interactive session.

Now, I don't know much about plotmath and the quartz device, but note
that I and many others vastly prefer the quartz device on the Mac, for
its very nice output (and I like its history feature).  But you seem
to have a need for X11....


On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 3:43 PM, Carlo Tambuatco <> wrote:
> Okay, it seems that X11 renders the fonts etc...okay
> Typing in:
> X11()
> demo(plotmath)
> seemed to render everything including the fonts fine, so I don't think any of 
> my fonts are corrupted.
> But is there a way to configure R to set X11 as the default device for 
> graphics? Right now, it uses quartz as its default device for rendering to 
> the screen. I'm a bit of a newbie here, so could somebody explain how to add 
> to my R config file to have the default device be X11?
> On Jul 1, 2010, at 1:00 PM, Marc Schwartz wrote:
>> On Jul 1, 2010, at 11:50 AM, Carlo Tambuatco wrote:
>>> I noticed this running a few graphics demos the other day.
>>> In particular the plotmath and the persp graphics demos, certain fonts
>>> don't seem to render on the demos.
>>> The plotmath demo displays certain math equations on a quartz window
>>> that don't render properly, and the persp demo displays a 3D model of
>>> a mountain with labels on the graph rendered in a certain font. (None
>>> of the data labels render at all.)
>>> This problem appeared recently, (like last week), and has not happened
>>> before. I'm fairly new to using the R gui and R in general, so I don't
>>> really know where to check if I have the proper true type fonts
>>> available on my computer or if it is a problem within R itself. This
>>> doesn't appear to be a problem with the functioning of R itself, just
>>> an inability for it to render certain fonts on graphical displays. I
>>> just want to fix it now before I use it in a major project that
>>> requires the rendering of fonts onto the screen for presentations
>>> etc...
>> You might want to review this reply by Simon to a similar post recently:
>> Another resource that might be relevant:
>> HTH,
>> Marc Schwartz
> For most men life is a search for the proper manila envelope in which to get 
> themselves filed.
>  - Clifton Fadiman
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