On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 4:10 PM,  <sgru...@berkeley.edu> wrote:
> I  recently experienced  the same problem.  Text  that was missing from
> plots in the Quartz window appeared on plots that were sent directly to a
> pdf file. Interestingly,  text that was printed using the expression
> function did appear in the quartz window, for example,
> ylab=expression(hat(psi))
> As Marc wrote, the problem was resolved when I used Fontbook to resolve
> duplicated fonts, which for me were Arial and Helvetica stored at both the
> System and User level.   Hopefully this will work for you as well.
> --Susan
> Susan Gruber
> UC Berkeley

I did have some duplicated fonts in my font book. So I resolved the
duplicates but it did not take care of the problem. There are still no
letters or numbers being rendered in quartz. Only in X11. I looked up
the quartzFont() function, to see if it might help, but so far
nothing. Quartz is the graphics engine that renders PDF, so if it
renders in PDF it should render in Quartz and vice versa. But that is
not the case apparently.

I hope that somebody has any additional input as to why this happens.

>> EDIT:
>> Okay, it seems that X11 renders the fonts etc...okay
>> Typing in:
>> X11()
>> demo(plotmath)
>> dev.off()
>> seemed to render everything including the fonts fine, so I don't think
> any
>> of my fonts are corrupted.
>> But is there a way to configure R to set X11 as the default device for
> graphics? Right now, it uses quartz as its default device for rendering to
>> the screen. I'm a bit of a newbie here, so could somebody explain how to
> add to my R config file to have the default device be X11?
>> On Jul 1, 2010, at 1:00 PM, Marc Schwartz wrote:
>>> On Jul 1, 2010, at 11:50 AM, Carlo Tambuatco wrote:
>>>> I noticed this running a few graphics demos the other day.
>>>> In particular the plotmath and the persp graphics demos, certain fonts
> don't seem to render on the demos.
>>>> The plotmath demo displays certain math equations on a quartz window
> that don't render properly, and the persp demo displays a 3D model of a
> mountain with labels on the graph rendered in a certain font. (None of the
> data labels render at all.)
>>>> This problem appeared recently, (like last week), and has not happened
> before. I'm fairly new to using the R gui and R in general, so I don't
> really know where to check if I have the proper true type fonts
> available on my computer or if it is a problem within R itself. This
> doesn't appear to be a problem with the functioning of R itself, just an
> inability for it to render certain fonts on graphical displays. I just
> want to fix it now before I use it in a major project that
> requires the rendering of fonts onto the screen for presentations
> etc...
>>> You might want to review this reply by Simon to a similar post
> recently:
>>>  https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mac/2010-June/007531.html
>>> Another resource that might be relevant:
>>>  http://www.maclife.com/article/news/howto_clear_your_macs_font_cache
>>> HTH,
>>> Marc Schwartz
>> For most men life is a search for the proper manila envelope in which to
> get themselves filed.
>>   - Clifton Fadiman
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