On Aug 12, 2010, at 6:21 PM, J Andrés Christen wrote:

When plotting, no text appears in the Quartz window (no axis labels, etc.) and
text() does not work:

plot(1:3,1:3, main="Hi!")

No main title appears a no axis labels.

text( 2, 2, "w")

no "w" appears.

Earlier today I did a general software update. I tried changing to the previous version
I was using, 2.8, but this did not help.



all plots appear, but no text at all. I tested the png() device, and no text appears there either.

There have been instances where fonts in the Mac system have become replaced by corrupted versions. I had it happen with my Symbol font. I wonder if one of your primary fonts used by R (and here I believe you would be primarily looking at Courier and Helvetica) suffered a similar fate. When it happened to me I found two entries for the same font using Font Book.app. Deleting the one that displayed as blanks solved the problem. This is what can be used to determine the current fonts used by the quartz device:

> quartzFonts()
[1] "Times-Roman" "Times-Bold" "Times-Italic" "Times- BoldItalic"

[1] "Helvetica" "Helvetica-Bold" "Helvetica- Oblique" "Helvetica-BoldOblique"

[1] "Courier" "Courier-Bold" "Courier-Oblique" "Courier-BoldOblique"


David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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