Hi all,

I've been using R on two different macs for a little under a year to do some
basic statistics and graphing. Often, my desktop becomes quickly cluttered
with browser windows and Xcode windows and R windows. The console window
gets buried and I usually use Exposé to find it, but for some reason when I
click on the window it does not bring the window to the front. It does bring
R to the front so I can type into the console and make things happen, but I
cannot see it unless I click on the R icon in the dock or I use Expose again
to click on the window again.  If I click on the dock it brings it to the
front first click, but I prefer to use Exposé because it allows me to see
all the windows at once (quartz() included)

This happens on a MBP with R64 and on a netbook/hackintosh with R32 and is
extremely reproducible.

Is this some innate issue with R, a setting I need to adjust, or am I doing
it wrong.



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