On Aug 30, 2010, at 3:46 AM, Jooil Kim wrote:

> Hello,
> My problem was that I didn't have XCode installed until a few minutes ago, 
> and I can confirm that compiling from the source works (x86_64 on OSX10.6.4, 
> R2.11.1 - sorry about that).

Of course it does - you can see that form the logs (sort of since you have 
different OS and different architecture and thus not really relevant to the 
error). But that is beside the point. The fact that something compiles doesn't 
meant it works.

> The error codes I pasted on my earlier e-mail were copied from the CRAN, the 
> log notes on why a Mac binary of the mapdata package wasn't available ( 
> http://www.r-project.org/nosvn/R.check/r-release-macosx-ix86/mapdata-00check.html
>  ).
> As there's no obvious problem with the source code itself, the problem is 
> most probably with those that maintain the MacOSX binaries on CRAN.

If programs crash and there is "no obvious problem with the source" then why do 
we bother with debugging? If there was an obvious problem then the author would 
have fixed it, don't you think? It's the non-obvious problems that we call 

The point of checks is to verify (to some degree) that a program works the way 
it was designed. That's why a binary of a package failing checks will not get 
to CRAN as it doesn't work the way it was designed - to protect users from 
non-obvious failures. Now why that should be a problem "with those that 
maintain the MacOSX binaries" is entirely beyond me...

Note that the crash is in a call to maps so the issue could be anywhere from 
mapdata, maps to R...

> I assume there may be some novice users who might not want to go through the 
> trouble of trying to compiling source code and much rather install just the 
> binary versions of packages, and I do hope that the overseers of the MacOSX 
> binaries would give the compile another try...

Sure - with the same result. That's what the nightly builds do: run checks 
every night if a package fails - one try a night ... 


> On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Prof Brian Ripley 
> <rip...@stats.ox.ac.uk>wrote:
>> On Mon, 30 Aug 2010, Jooil Kim wrote:
>> Hello all,
>>> I recently noticed that the MacOSX binary of the mapdata package ver 2.1-3
>>> wasn't available.
>>> The mapdata package is a useful extension for the maps package, providing
>>> higher-resolution map data.
>>> In contacting package maintainer Ray Brownrigg, (Ray.Brownrigg at
>>> ecs.vuw.ac.nz), I'm told that he is willing to make the fixes necessary,
>>> however does not have the Mac resources to track the bug causing the
>>> problems.
>>> In looking at the log, I get the impression that the actual problem is
>>> minor, in that a problem occurs in checking the examples.
>> Not being able to run your examples is not 'minor': it is the first test
>> that the package is installed properly, and 'china' is the first example.
>> You haven't told us the 'at a minimum information' asked for in the posting
>> guide.  What version of R (including what architecture) are you running?
>> Have you actually tried compiling from the package sources yourself?  It
>> works for me on i386 and x86_64.
>> So there is a fair chance simply installing from the sources will work for
>> you.  If you have Xcode installed, all you need to do is
>> install.packages('mapdata', type = 'source')
>> library(mapdata)
>> example(china)
>> .
>>> Here's a copy-and-paste from the logs below.
>>> ==================================================================
>>> checking examples ... ERROR
>>> Running examples in 'mapdata-Ex.R' failed.
>>> The error most likely occurred in:
>>> ### * china
>>>> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
>>>> ### Name: china
>>>> ### Title: China Map
>>>> ### Aliases: china chinaMapEnv
>>>> ### Keywords: datasets
>>>> ### ** Examples
>>>> map('china')
>>> *** caught segfault ***
>>> address 0x30010073, cause 'memory not mapped'
>>> Traceback:
>>> 1: .C("maptype", PACKAGE = "maps", as.character(mapbase), integer(1))
>>> 2: maptype(database)
>>> 3: map("china")
>>> aborting ...
>>> ==================================================================
>>> Does anyone in the Mac group have the skills and time to figure this out
>>> and
>>> contact Ray about a solution?
>>> Sorry, I should really try to do this myself, but I'm still very new at
>>> this...
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jooil
>>> --
>>> #############################################
>>> Jooil Kim
>>> Graduate Student
>>> School of Earth and Environmental Sciences,
>>> Seoul National University
>>> Gwanak Gu Shillim 9 Dong San 56-1
>>> Seoul National Univ. Bld#501, Rm 503
>>> Seoul, Rep. of Korea 151-742
>>> kji2...@gmail.com
>>> tel) 82-2-877-6741
>>> fax) 82-2-885-7164
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>> --
>> Brian D. Ripley,                  rip...@stats.ox.ac.uk
>> Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
>> University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
>> 1 South Parks Road,                     +44 1865 272866 (PA)
>> Oxford OX1 3TG, UK                Fax:  +44 1865 272595
> -- 
> #############################################
> Jooil Kim
> Graduate Student
> School of Earth and Environmental Sciences,
> Seoul National University
> Gwanak Gu Shillim 9 Dong San 56-1
> Seoul National Univ. Bld#501, Rm 503
> Seoul, Rep. of Korea 151-742
> kji2...@gmail.com
> tel) 82-2-877-6741
> fax) 82-2-885-7164
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