On Sep 4, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Adrian wrote:


I am having trouble displaying graphs in R. Whenever I create graphs, no
axes labels, numerical scales, or titles are displayed.  If I use the
"text()" function to explicitly add text to the graph, no text is displayed. I can see all of the graphs using the "demo(graphics)" command, but none of the graphs include any text. I am running R version: R 2.11.1 GUI 1.34 Leopard build 32-bit (5589) on Mac OS 10.6.4. I would be happy to provide any further information that could be useful in diagnosing this problem.
Any advice is appreciated.

Your font library has probably become corrupted. Use Font Book.app to look at Times, Courier, Helvetica and Symbol and remove any duplicate entries that are blank.


David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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