You can also "tinker" your own tree with the help of Phylomatic and the APweb Tree behind it (<>) as I have done it for ca. 12700 species. It was a major task but it worked (but only for plants).


Brian O'Meara schrieb:
There's not yet a good single source. has some topologies, but not all studies go in there yet. The largest one I know of there has 1569 taxa . The PhyLoTA browser (<>) has trees for many groups and also allows you to download aligned data to make your own. You can download NCBI's taxonomy, which is a sort of tree, though not highly-resolved or with branch lengths, but at least pretty comprehensive. You can also download the tree used by the Tree of Life project (<>). There may be a tree available from <>, but I haven't been able to find it in a form other than a pdf image.

Having a place to download the single best current estimate of the full tree of life would be great, and there are a few research groups working towards this goal, but it's not ready yet, as far as I know.

Hope this helps,

Brian C. O'Meara
Asst. Prof., Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
865-408-TREE (8733)

On Aug 20, 2009, at 7:31 AM, saikari keitele wrote:


I'm trying to use the picante r package.

My aim is to use it to construct phylogenetic trees and calculate diversity
statistics from species occurrence data in different geographic regions.

So, I have a list of species names with abundance information (number of
occurrences) and would like to use Phylomatic to construct a tree.

The Phylomatic documentation mentions that a reference tree is needed and
different examples of megatrees ( are given for this. However, they apply only (I think) to trees and plants. My data includes other kinds
of organisms. Do you know of any other downloadable reference trees that
include the whole taxonomy?

Thank you very much.


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