I have code for this in my TreEvo package (on R-forge -- see brownieneglnL in <http://r-forge.r-project.org/plugins/scmsvn/viewcvs.php/pkg/R/brownie.R?rev=2&root=treevo&view=markup >) though note that the package itself is not all cleaned up into install.packages()-ready form. You could also dig into geiger's fitContinuous function and use that code (look for "foo" in fitContinuous.R) -- OUCH must have similar code. Odd if there's nothing more direct.


On Mar 19, 2010, at 9:47 PM, Carl Boettiger wrote:

Dear r-sig-phylo,

I'd like to be able to estimate the likelihood of a model with a given
Brownian rate parameter under a given data set. For OU models, this can be accomplished through the ouch package with the flag fit=FALSE. However there does not seem to be a corresponding option for Brownian motion in ouch/geiger/ape algorithms for fitting a Brownian motion model? Perhaps
I've overlooked something?


Carl Boettiger
Population Biology, UC Davis

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