Hi all

I'm trying to assign lengths to branches in a tree using the Ruta et al.
2008 method via Graeme Lloyd's date.phylo() function (see
http://www.graemetlloyd.com/methdpf.html). I keep coming up against an error
for some reason. Graeme himself does exactly the same thing seemingly on his
Mac (I'm using Windows 7, R 2.13.1, Ape 2.7-2 - Graeme has Ape 2.7-1) and it
works. I've tried various permutations of the tree, with and without a
rooted symbol [&r], and there are no special characters etc., the names in
tree and ages list are the same. I still keep getting:

 ttree<-date.phylo(archotreeresolved, ages, rlen=1, method="equal")
Error in ages[tree$tip.label[find.descendants(nodes[i], tree)], 1] :
  incorrect number of dimensions

Any help, or advice what to try/look into much appreciated. Graeme thinks
it's something with ape not date.phylo...

Very best


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