
I've banged my head long enough with this one, so I hope someone can help. I am 
trying to write a routine to permute the structure of a tree. Note, this is 
different than phyloshuffle() in phylotools, which just shuffles tips -- in 
contrast, I am trying to permute the structure of the tree. In this case I 
cannot resample the original data because these trees are manually constructed, 
yet I want a way or doing some statistics on them. If there is a package doing 
this that I've missed? I would like to be able to specify a number of 
iterations (easy) and the routine would repeatedly switch random pairs of 
clades within the tree (not so easy, apparently). If the routine is run for 
many iterations, the resulting tree would be completely random. This seems 
simple, but given the dependencies in the tree, you can't pick just any two 
nodes; for example, the second node cannot be a descendant of the first node. 
Also, it seems like I need to test that the two subtrees are structurally !
 independent, but I'm not certain exactly what these criteria are. They don't 
appear to have to be the same distance from the root in all cases. The next 
problem is how to do this in ape. I'm reasonably familiar with the phylo() 
object, but obviously since I'm posting this, I haven't been able to make it 
work. Especially, the bind.tree() step. 

Thanks much for any help,


## Tree Permutation
## Note, code does not work correctly!

atree<-makeNodeLabel(atree, prefix = "")

n=1 # No. itterations

plot.phylo(atree, show.node.label = TRUE)
ptree<-atree # a copy to permute
for (i in 1:n){
  # Pick the first node from the tree
  a.node <- 2 # testing

  # This creates a subtree to sample the second branch from
  drop.a.node<-drop.tip(ptree,extract.a$tip.label, trim.internal=F) #trim F to 
leave a place to attach other subtree
  plot(extract.a, show.node.label = TRUE)
  plot(drop.a.node, show.node.label = TRUE)
  # Pick a node from somewhere ealse in the tree
  b.node <- 5 #testing
  # This creates a subtree to sample the second branch from
  drop.b.node<-drop.tip(drop.a.node,extract.b$tip.label, trim.internal=F)
  plot(extract.b, show.node.label = TRUE)
  plot(drop.b.node, show.node.label = TRUE)
  #   drop.b.node contains whatever is left after clipping out the two subtrees
  #   now I want to reassemble the tree switching extract.a and extract.b    
  bind.tree.1<-bind.tree(drop.b.node,extract.a,where=b.node) # doesnt work?
  plot(bind.tree.1, show.node.label = TRUE)
  plot(bind.tree.2, show.node.label = TRUE)
  #copy the results
  ptree <- bind.tree.2

#plot the permuted tree
plot(ptree, show.node.label = TRUE)


Sean S. Downey, Ph.D.
Institute of Archaeology
University College London
31-34 Gordon Square
UK Cell: +44 (0)7542 41 0077
Belize Cell: +501 636-2939

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