Dear List,
I have some problems with the artwork of a phylogenetic tree. I would like
to put two rows of symbols between the branches and the scientific names of
For this, I used plot(tree) with the arguments no.margin = T,
use.edge.length = T,  label.offset = 0.07.

My first problem: I can not set the margins of the plot, because when I use
the adequate label.offset value to fit the symbols between branches and
names, the names of the species are not fit in the plot (the end of the
names are disappear).

My second problem: How can I locate the second set of symbols in the plot?
For only one symbol-type, I used tiplabels(pch = , col = , cex = ). But if
I woud like to put a second set of symbols, how should I put it next to the
first set of the symbols?

Looking forward your answers, and many thanks,
Ivett Pipoly

*Pipoly Ivett*
Ornithology Research Group
University of Pannonia
Tel.: +36 88 624249
Fax: +36 88 624747
+36 20 / 9236407

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