Hi everyone,

I'm relatively new in phylogenetic comparative methods. I'm a little
confused about branch length transformations. I'm using a tree with
divergence time (My) as branch lengths. When I use corPagel, corGrafen or
corMartins in R, the branch lengths, are the branch lengths automatically
transformed? e.g., gr.mammals<-corGrafen(1,phylo,fixed=F);
My question may sound a bit nonsense but I've seen in some papers (e.g., Spoor,
F., Garland, T., Krovitz, G., Ryan, T. M., Silcox, M. T., & Walker, A.
(2007). The primate semicircular canal system and locomotion. *Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences*, *104*(26), 10808-10812.)  the
indication that a PGLS was made without branch transformation, but no
reference is made to the model (maybe it's corBrownian).

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Com os melhores cumprimentos,
Sérgio Ferreira Cardoso.


Best regards,
Sérgio Ferreira Cardoso

MSc. Paleontology candidate
Departamento de Ciências da Terra - FCT /Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Geociências - Universidade de Évora

Lisboa, Portugal

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