Hi Nick.

I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but have you tried the function ladderize from the ape package?

All the best, Liam

Liam J. Revell, Assistant Professor of Biology
University of Massachusetts Boston
web: http://faculty.umb.edu/liam.revell/
email: liam.rev...@umb.edu
blog: http://blog.phytools.org

On 4/26/2015 6:37 PM, Nick Matzke wrote:
Hi all,

In FigTree, there is an option (Left menu->Trees->Order nodes->increasing,
or decreasing) to plot trees and order them such that the higher nodes/tips
in the tree plot at the top or bottom of the plot.

Does anything like this exist for plotting trees in R?  Or do I have to
hunt-n-peck and manually rotate nodes 1-by-1 until it looks right?

(yes, I could save the tree out from FigTree and use that, but I want to
automate this plotting function without a FigTree step)


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