Dear All,

I am working on reconstruction of ancestral character state with a trait of 
three states (0,1, 2) of a specific organ from 100 taxa.
Per tutorials on and,
I set 1/3 as prior probability of being in any of the states for taxa with the 
organ but no trait data (missing data).
For the three taxa which don't have this organ, I had to set 1/3 instead of 0 
as prior probability for each state, in order to running rerootingMethod or 
make.simmap functions in phytools properly. I tried to set 0 as prior 
probability for all states of these three taxa in the matrix, and I got the 
following error messages by runing rerooting Method or make.simmap:

Error in fitMk(tt, yy, model = model, fixedQ = Q, output.liks = 
TRUE)$lik.anc[1,  :
  incorrect number of dimensions

Error in 1:nrow(L) : argument of length 0

I thought about deleting the three taxa without such organ from my dataset, but 
they are critical in the phylogeny.

May I ask for advice on solution for this issue?


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