I didn't see the email that this addresses, but I will add a couple of 
comments to Juan's suggestion:

(1) phytools::cophylo does not require the input trees to have branch 
lengths. If they do not, arbitrary branch lengths for plotting are 
computed using ape::compute.brlen.

(2) The code suggested by Juan does indeed assign branch lengths to the 
tree; however, it has effect of assigning different depths for 
equivalently nested relationships. If you don't like the spacing of 
compute.brlen, it is possible to change it using the argument 'power.' 
0<power<1 results in divergences between sister taxa pushed backward in 
time & may look better than the default.

All the best, Liam

Liam J. Revell
Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston
Profesor Asistente, Universidad Católica de la Ssma Concepción
web: http://faculty.umb.edu/liam.revell/, http://www.phytools.org

On 12/12/2018 12:07 PM, Juan Antonio Balbuena wrote:
> You can try this:
> tree<- compute.brtime(tree, tree$Nnode:1)
> It will produce an ultrametric tree with its nodes well separated.
> I hope it helps
> All the best
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