On Apr 9, 2013, at 12:18 PM, Berthold Bäuml <berthold.bae...@dlr.de> wrote:

> on top of such a low level system one can add more convenient interfaces for 
> users for the more standard use cases, e.g., mimicking the  version 
> disregarding behavior of planet2 -- but it is not possible to do it the other 
> way round.

Are you sure? You can add commands to raco, e.g., neckermann. Let's say that 
this meaningless name means "packages with versioning enforced". Don't you 
think you would be able to re-surrect the relevant parts of planet1 with 

 raco neckermann install catalog 1.7.8 

reaching out to raco pkg? -- Matthias

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