>> on top of such a low level system one can add more convenient interfaces for 
>> users for the more standard use cases, e.g., mimicking the  version 
>> disregarding behavior of planet2 -- but it is not possible to do it the 
>> other way round.
> Are you sure? You can add commands to raco, e.g., neckermann. Let's say that 
> this meaningless name means "packages with versioning enforced". Don't you 
> think you would be able to re-surrect the relevant parts of planet1 with 
> raco neckermann install catalog 1.7.8 
> reaching out to raco pkg? -- Matthias

I think it is not about adding commands to raco but, as you also mentioned, 
about having a back-end with the information planet1 can provide but planet2 
does not. I always thought Jay is saying that planet2 will be the only base for 
a coming higher level functionality but that planet1 will be deprecated (or 
only be kept for compatibility).


Berthold Bäuml -- Head of Autonomous Learning Robots Lab
DLR, Robotics and Mechatronics Center (RMC)
Münchner Str. 20, D-82234 Wessling
Phone +49 8153 282489

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