Do you want something like this :

#lang racket

  (lambda/contract (x ...) c e0 e ...)
  ;; ==> 
  (let ()
    (define/contract (f x ...) c e0 e ...)

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(define g (lambda/contract (x) (integer? . -> . integer?) (* pi x)))

(void (= (g 0) 0))
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:contract? void])
  (g 1))

On Nov 13, 2013, at 1:12 PM, Matthew Butterick <> wrote:

> Having gotten in the habit of writing function contracts, I prefer 
> define/contract to (provide (contract-out ...)) because it keeps the contract 
> near the function.
> Is there an analogous idiom for lambda? I see there is no lambda/contract, 
> and the docs on contracts for case-lambda [1] uses the (provide (contract-out 
> ...)) style.
> [1] 
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