If I were making something like case-lambda/contract, which would be better/make more sense?

#lang racket

(require test-engine/racket-tests)

;; this one takes a contract within each case, and puts in in a case-> for you:
(define-syntax-rule (case-lambda/contract-1 [args c e0 e ...] ...)
  (let ()
    (define/contract f
      (case-> c ...)
        [args e0 e ...]

;; example for case-lambda/contract-1:
(define report-cost-1
    [(lo hi) (integer? integer? . -> . string?)
     (format "between $~a and $~a" lo hi)]
    [(desc) (string? . -> . string?)
     (format "~a of dollars" desc)]))

(check-expect (report-cost-1 5 8)
              "between $5 and $8")
(check-expect (report-cost-1 "millions")
              "millions of dollars")
(check-error (report-cost-1 "thousands" "millions"))
(check-error (report-cost-1 5))

;; this one takes a contract for the whole thing, and lets you do the case-> yourself: (define-syntax-rule (case-lambda/contract-2 contract-expr [args e0 e ...] ...)
  (let ()
    (define/contract f
        [args e0 e ...]

;; example for case-lambda/contract-2:
(define report-cost-2
      (integer? integer? . -> . string?)
      (string? . -> . string?))
    [(lo hi) (format "between $~a and $~a" lo hi)]
    [(desc) (format "~a of dollars" desc)]))

(check-expect (report-cost-2 5 8)
              "between $5 and $8")
(check-expect (report-cost-2 "millions")
              "millions of dollars")
(check-error (report-cost-2 "thousands" "millions"))
(check-error (report-cost-2 5))


Which one is better/makes more sense?

(define report-cost-1
    [(lo hi) (integer? integer? . -> . string?)
     (format "between $~a and $~a" lo hi)]
    [(desc) (string? . -> . string?)
     (format "~a of dollars" desc)]))

(define report-cost-2
      (integer? integer? . -> . string?)
      (string? . -> . string?))
    [(lo hi) (format "between $~a and $~a" lo hi)]
    [(desc) (format "~a of dollars" desc)]))

On Nov 17, 2013, at 12:43 PM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:

I would choose option 2, because I have a strong preference for seeing specs first and ignoring implementations if I can. You may wish to ask on the list; others may have other ideas. -- Matthias

On Nov 16, 2013, at 11:05 AM, Alexander D. Knauth wrote:

If I were making something like this for case-lambda, which would be better/make more sense?

#lang racket

(require test-engine/racket-tests)

;; this one takes a contract within each case, and puts in in a case-> for you:
(define-syntax-rule (case-lambda/contract-1 [args c e0 e ...] ...)
  (let ()
    (define/contract f
      (case-> c ...)
        [args e0 e ...]

;; example for case-lambda/contract-1:
(define report-cost-1
    [(lo hi) (integer? integer? . -> . string?)
     (format "between $~a and $~a" lo hi)]
    [(desc) (string? . -> . string?)
     (format "~a of dollars" desc)]))

(check-expect (report-cost-1 5 8)
              "between $5 and $8")
(check-expect (report-cost-1 "millions")
              "millions of dollars")
(check-error (report-cost-1 "thousands" "millions"))
(check-error (report-cost-1 5))

;; this one takes a contract for the whole thing, and lets you do the case-> yourself: (define-syntax-rule (case-lambda/contract-2 contract-expr [args body ...] ...)
  (let ()
    (define/contract f
        [args body ...]

;; example for case-lambda/contract-2:
(define report-cost-2
      (integer? integer? . -> . string?)
      (string? . -> . string?))
    [(lo hi) (format "between $~a and $~a" lo hi)]
    [(desc) (format "~a of dollars" desc)]))

(check-expect (report-cost-2 5 8)
              "between $5 and $8")
(check-expect (report-cost-2 "millions")
              "millions of dollars")
(check-error (report-cost-2 "thousands" "millions"))
(check-error (report-cost-2 5))


Which one is better/makes more sense?

(define report-cost-1
    [(lo hi) (integer? integer? . -> . string?)
     (format "between $~a and $~a" lo hi)]
    [(desc) (string? . -> . string?)
     (format "~a of dollars" desc)]))

(define report-cost-2
      (integer? integer? . -> . string?)
      (string? . -> . string?))
    [(lo hi) (format "between $~a and $~a" lo hi)]
    [(desc) (format "~a of dollars" desc)]))

On Nov 13, 2013, at 2:45 PM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:

Do you want something like this :

#lang racket

 (lambda/contract (x ...) c e0 e ...)
 ;; ==>
 (let ()
   (define/contract (f x ...) c e0 e ...)

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(define g (lambda/contract (x) (integer? . -> . integer?) (* pi x)))

(void (= (g 0) 0))
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:contract? void])
 (g 1))

On Nov 13, 2013, at 1:12 PM, Matthew Butterick <m...@mbtype.com> wrote:

Having gotten in the habit of writing function contracts, I prefer define/contract to (provide (contract-out ...)) because it keeps the contract near the function.

Is there an analogous idiom for lambda? I see there is no lambda/ contract, and the docs on contracts for case-lambda [1] uses the (provide (contract-out ...)) style.

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