Hi. First: Thanks for Racket. I really mean it. You are all fantastic.
Second: How to make it work with FastCGI (and Lighttpd?)?

Doc about net/cgi ( http://docs.racket-lang.org/net/cgi.html ) mention this 
standard and offer some cryptic indication:

""" Users of FastCGI will need to bind REQUEST_METHOD and possibly also 
QUERY_STRING to successfully employ the CGI library. The FastCGI library ought 
to provide a way to extract the values bound to these variables; the user can 
then put these into the CGI program’s environment using the putenv function. """

I can get some more advices?

I already make lighttpd work with .rkt files as simple CGIs.
But obviously this is a slow and inefficient approach.

I worked with servlets, I appreciate them, but I need something much simpler 
and similar to my old style of building web applications. Maybe I am spoiled 
but I see this style as more functional. What is more stateless of a poor 
little ugly CGI script which know only some parameters sent to it via GET or 

Also, as I use -intensively- Racket docs every day I need to know how I can (if 
it is possible) contribute providing some sample code here and here, as I think 
this is something where it is severely lacking. A small snippet showing how to 
use a feature without implying having read half of a module api will be nice, 
something to hack on as a starting base, put it in a file and it work showing 
an intuitive path to follow... I explored almost all library of Racket, the 
problem seems pervasive and I think I can help.

Sincerely, Lux

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