I have this file:
#lang typed/racket
(provide x)
(define x : Natural 3)
(module* main racket/base
  (require typed/racket/base)
  (require/typed (submod "..")
                 [x Natural]))

I get this strange error message:
. . ../../../../../Applications/Racket/April-24/Racket 
v6.2.0.2/collects/racket/contract/private/blame.rkt:143:0: x: broke its contract
  promised: #f
  produced: 3
  in: #f
  contract from: (interface for x)
  blaming: (interface for x)
   (assuming the contract is correct)
  at: /Users/Alex/Documents/DrRacket/tr-submod-error/lib.rkt:7.18


I just realized I meant to use require/untyped-contract instead of 
require/typed, but still, what?

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