As the mentioned SRFI states it:
"This is a proposal to allow procedure calls that evaluate to the "value of a location" to be used to /set/ the value of the location, when used as the first operand of |set!|."

The term "location" is only used in the introductory part but for those who know the way behind the scenes it clearly refers to the concept of memory addresses of current register machines. By not introducing the domain of memory addresses (where you might as well SETF your graphics card ROM, EFI boot loaders and other registered beings in that "real" address space that is then virtualized but still contains your call stack) they push you into the world of nameless concepts which would be the same as lambda forms without define. Just try this in your favorite clean Scheme environment but don't call it algorithmic language then.

With generics it is possible to define the necessary methods for set! - one such method exists in GOOPS (sorry!) which is able to set slots of objects by accessor. The name or identifier isn't gone yet but its "sequence of symbols" or syntax just looks awful:
(define point (make <point> #:x 1 #:y 2))
(x point) => 1
(set! (x point) 2)
(x point) => 2

With common sense (and not behind scenes) /x/ denotes both the value as well as a method to set it. Other programming systems use the dot syntax which works slightly better, e.g. /point.x/./
Generics and a generalized /set!/ have been en vogue in the 80s as far as I know and have then been substituted by message passing interfaces where you usually define your own getters and setters for each and every variable which might behind the scenes turn out to be stored on a server on the next floor or it might just be your favorite terminal emulation dimming some little lights called pixels.

Back to the generalized /set!/: it leaves you in a world of invisible pointers or location which might even be called concepts. When one starts thinking in abstract concepts and goes from concept to concept one might end up where one has to invent new words to "grab" them mentally. This is what Latin is good for. But a generalized set! might just do away with that little rest of "language" that remained in the Algorithmic Language Scheme.

I think I'm going to purge some /set!/ methods from VSI/goops.


On 29/06/2015 11:56, Alexey Cherkaev wrote:
Hi all,

Common Lisp has a very useful idiom of SETF that can set values to arbitrary 
places. For example, one can set (1 2)-th item of an array A as:

(SETF (AREF A 1 2) 20.0d0)

Scheme preferred way is to use `*-set!` procedures. However, sometimes it is 
inconvenient. For example, if I want to swap two elements in the array/vector, 
I would like to use `swap`:

(define-syntax swap
   (syntax-rules ()
     ((swap ?place1 ?place2 ?tmp)
        (set! ?tmp ?place1)
        (set! ?place1 ?place2)
        (set! ?place2 ?place1)))))

But it will only work for vectors if `set!` can act as CL's SETF on generalised 
places, such as

(swap (vector-ref v 5) (vector-ref v 3) tmp)

SRFI-17 contains the definition of such a `set!` and I can use it from there 
(AFAIR Racket supports it).

I was wondering if there is more Racket-way of doing this? And is there maybe a 
reason why `set!` wasn't given the same power as SETF?

For example, I was thinking of defining syntax to access my implementation of 
multidimensional arrays

(define-syntax aref
   (syntax-rules (set!)
     [(set! (aref ?a ?i ...) ?v) (array-set! ?a ?i ... ?v)]
     [(aref ?a ?i ...) (array-ref ?a ?i ...)]))

but obviously it won't work now as `set!` expects the `id` not an expression 
(`syntax-id-rules` won't work either as `aref` is not an `id`).

Regards, Alexey

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