Racket does have 'make-set!-transformer' that allows you to define syntax that cooperates with 'set!'. I think that might work if you are defining your own datatype. Have you seen that?


On 06/30/2015 11:10 AM, Alexey Cherkaev wrote:
Hi Alexander,

Thanks for your reply: I had something similar in mind (maybe I should check out math/array). I was just wondering if there was something more Racket-like (it still feels that SRFI is somewhat 'foreign' hack). And my last question remains: wouldn't it be beneficial to have such a generalised 'set!' system-wide? I understand that Racket focusses more on immutable structures, but there are still vectors and hash-tables which are inherently mutable and still have their niche.

Best regards,

On 29 June 2015 at 18:36, Alexander D. Knauth <alexan...@knauth.org <mailto:alexan...@knauth.org>> wrote:

    On Jun 29, 2015, at 5:56 AM, Alexey Cherkaev
    <alexey.cherk...@gmail.com <mailto:alexey.cherk...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    > For example, I was thinking of defining syntax to access my
    implementation of multidimensional arrays
    > as
    > (define-syntax aref
    >  (syntax-rules (set!)
    >    [(set! (aref ?a ?i ...) ?v) (array-set! ?a ?i ... ?v)]
    >    [(aref ?a ?i ...) (array-ref ?a ?i ...)]))
    > but obviously it won't work now as `set!` expects the `id` not
    an expression (`syntax-id-rules` won't work either as `aref` is
    not an `id`).

    #lang racket
    (require srfi/17 math/array)
    (define (aref a . is)
      (array-ref a (list->vector is)))
    (set! (setter aref)
          (λ (a . is+v)
            (match-define (list is ... v) is+v)
            (array-set! a (list->vector is) v)))
    (define a (mutable-array #[#[1 2] #[3 4]]))
    (aref a 0 1)
    (set! (aref a 0 1) 20)
    (aref a 0 1)

    If you wanted, you could also define your own version of set! that
    does what you want, which (I think) you would need to do if you
    needed aref to be a macro.

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