I didn't really want to get involved in this kind of discussion but I need to 
take exception to this kind of statement. 

Code is not just written. Code is read. Code is read far more often than 
written. Code that uses a specific construct conveys a specific idea, and it 
thus helps the reader figure out what the point is. Code that uses a general 
tool for a specific purpose obstructs understanding, and it is thus bad. 

Racket provides general constructs because some situations call for their use. 
If a programmer carefully selects such a construct for a general situation, the 
code signals to any reader that a lot of care is needed to understand all the 
ramifications behind this point in the program. 

-- Matthias

On Aug 4, 2015, at 12:04 PM, Sean Kanaley <skana...@gmail.com> wrote:

> " I cannot think of any good uses for eval in Racket."
> Any time the mental time spent using eval (or defmacro) is less than that of 
> figuring out how to not use eval or defmacro by using 
> let-parameterize-syntax-splicing-local-transformer-binding-apply-values 
> instead, which for the average programmer is probably always. Programming in 
> perfect Racket (or any language) is like finding the optimal solution to the 
> traveling salesman, or finding a large prime with 100% certainty. You are 
> spending disproportionate efforts for the ~same result. If I have a square 
> peg that has to go into a round hole, I can just apply a lot of force rather 
> than going to the store and buying a new peg. How bad this result is depends 
> on how gigantic the wall is that suffered the damage. A big enough program 
> will be sufficiently buggy that a clear use of eval is probably no big deal, 
> e.g.
> <millions of lines of code>
> (define (launch-nukes target)
>   (for ([i 10])
>      (launch 'nuke 'civilian)))
> <millions of lines of code>
> (define (confirmation target)
>   (eval '(printf "Are you sure you wish to nuke ~a?" target) namespace)
>   ...)
> To a purist, the above code is horrifying.
> On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 10:34 AM, Alexis King <lexi.lam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I don't know why but at some point in the 20th century people really became 
> > afraid of viewing programs as pure data (which they are) and started to 
> > call it metacircular (which of course also refers to other properties of a 
> > list processor treating each and every start of list, i.e. opening 
> > parenthese, as an apply instruction).
> *sigh* Okay, I’ll bite.
> I think I can understand the appeal of wanting to love eval. It’s a Lisp 
> tradition to have it, and indeed, it is still one of the first things that 
> people mention when describing how Lisps are different from other languages. 
> Turning around and admitting that one of our signature features should be 
> avoided is not only confusing, it seems to reduce Lisp back to the level of 
> any other language. If eval is out, what makes Lisps special anymore?
> So of course it can seem freeing to come to the conclusion that all those 
> people warning about eval are just “afraid of its power”, and we have so much 
> to gain by “rediscovering” this tool, but that’s not really true. Eval may 
> not be evil, but I’d consider it one of the worst possible code smells. I 
> cannot think of any good uses for eval in Racket.
> > One the one hand I reject any security concerns about eval which is as good 
> > or bad as input data as are the key codes from your favorite event handling 
> > loop determining your programs actions. A simple (send object message 
> > arguments) could be implemented by evaluating message in the environment of 
> > object, i.e. applying it to the arguments. The use of eval shouldn't be 
> > restricted to proclaimed  designers of algorithmic notations but using it 
> > correctly needs some understanding of Scheme and its specifications. That 
> > necessary knowledge used to be conveyed in a lecture of one semester at the 
> > MIT with SICP (I've read).
> The argument that all (interesting) programs are input-driven, but to then 
> draw the conclusion that eval is no more dangerous than other methods of 
> input processing would be quite the fallacy. But I agree with some other 
> people in this thread that it isn’t really explained why eval is bad, and 
> really, I’ve never read an explanation that has wholly satisfied me.
> I don’t think the real reason for spurning eval is to avoid security problems 
> or to handle code evaluation in different contexts (though both of those 
> things are highly related to the “core” problem with eval). I’d argue that 
> the problem with eval is one of abstraction: eval is barely any better than 
> writing directly to the underlying runtime or virtual machine.
> Scheme is largely derived from one of the most powerful abstractions in the 
> history of computer science, the closure. It goes by plenty of names, but the 
> reason I pick “closure” is that it indicates precisely why the construct is 
> far superior to eval: it keeps its context with it. When you pass closures 
> around in code, they maintain the collection of values from their original 
> scope, and when you call a closure, you can’t get at the values in the 
> calling scope. Closures are more or less reified eval.
> As programmers, it is incredibly important to have the guarantees that 
> closures provide because that allows us to abstract upon them. We can go 
> higher-order, and in doing so, it is possible to create entire DSLs without 
> even so much as a macro system. Doing that with eval is almost impossible 
> because eval is not *composable*. The solution is not “an eval that carries 
> around its lexical context” because then you have pretty much reinvented 
> closures.
> So what was the original title of this thread again? Oh right, “Sending 
> Closures to Places”. Obviously in that case, our nice little closure 
> abstraction has failed us. Why? Because that context can’t be serialized in 
> the general case. Dropping down into eval is throwing *everything* away, 
> which may seem simpler, but it also means eschewing any level of abstraction 
> that system was already giving you. This is a time when designing a 
> domain-specific solution will almost certainly be better than just whipping 
> out eval on a whim because our abstraction failed us.
> And that, I think, is the problem: eval seems a lot like a “one size fits 
> all” approach to problem solving. Need dynamism? Bash it with eval! But we 
> have so many tools far better suited to the job without the pitfalls and 
> problems of eval (all of which are built on top of it, in a sense). Need 
> dynamic behavior at runtime? We have procedures. Need that behavior to be 
> encapsulated into a first-class value? We have closures. Need to generate 
> code itself at compile-time? We have hygienic macros (and I mention 
> “hygienic” here very specifically—I leave figuring out why as an exercise to 
> the reader).
> We write in high-level languages for a reason. There’s no reason to stunt 
> their ability to abstract by directly calling eval.
> Alexis
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