On 04/08/2015 11:54, Neil Van Dyke wrote:

If someone has the time and inclination to develop that, more power to them.

Until such a volunteer emerges, I think the first step is to have the Racket documentation strongly discourage people from using eval. (Second step: go through all the copies of Scheme-based textbooks in libraries and bookstores, and stick a clarifying "Pro Tip" decal on the metacircular evaluator chapter.)

The funny thing here is you're using /eval/ implicitly all the time but don't want people to know about its metacircular nature? Just imagine it would need new /pairs/ all the time to do it's job because - yes - it might be implement in C but it's using regular Scheme data structures to do it's job because it's nothing but a C implementation of a Scheme program (relying heavily on some sort of memory manager providing free /pairs/ all the time). If that memory manager is coupled with a mark&sweep garbage collector you will need to allocate these pairs up until the next garbage collector run: it's exploding and allocating hundreds of megabytes (about 200 or more) to represent /environments/ as simple /alists /ever and ever again. Now, the interested in /eval/ is mostly an accademic one but without that understanding you don't really know what your doing when you're programming and then the question is: is it really programming?

Funny: One of the very first things that some CS 101 professors like to tell students about is eval. But, for practical software engineering, you might consider eval to be one of the *last* things you tell people about, after they're already experienced in using the other facilities. In the software engineering case, you then don't have much explaining to, because the programmer will have a solid foundation by that time. But, when they don't have that foundation, you can try to throw tons of relevant background at them, but they don't yet have much context for anchoring it, so they have to accept it on faith and memorizing the words of your teachings. If they're going to have to accept on faith anyway, I'd rather just have them accept the concise noble lie "don't use eval" on faith, until they've gone off and gotten the foundation to know how to develop without eval, and to immediately intuit some of the practical implications of eval.

Yes! I'm glad again I studied linguistics and made computers and their "science" a hobby. Tons and tons of practical tidbits, memorized syntactical fragments of ten different notations with fancy names, confusing terms and rumors about performance and security. And then that little noop of a metacircular /eval/ example if it works correctly ...

[*] Regarding not all upside to developing criteria and pattern examples: there seem to be relevant phenomena. One is the proliferating clerical worker type of programmer, who has been given the impression that programming is more about mechanically following checklists and copying&pasting solutions, than about understanding and reasoning about systems -- I don't want to encourage the mechanical thinking. Another phenomenon seems to be, when someone is new to a domain, they seem to often reason until they can think of *one* plausible solution, contrasted with someone more familiar, who might reason among many better solutions that come easily to mind -- I want to remove eval from the newbie's consideration.

I've heard their even using these newbies' answers to their tests in their software products. Stress test - test on stress - this is how the world goes ... why program when you have some fifty eager students ready to solve all your problems in that short hour every year? That is problem solving capacity! ;-) (Especially when you can evaluate their answers at will.)

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