I don't do scientific computing, but it seems your question is to some degree 
about economic incentives. When you say "maximize the profit," whose profit are 
you referring to? When you say "minimize duplication of effort," whose labor 
costs are you referring to? And if this work is so valuable to the profit-taker 
/ cost-avoider, why aren't they already investing in a solution?

On Aug 14, 2015, at 7:06 PM, Marduk Bolaños <mardu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> As everybody knows, Racket's plot library is feature-rich and produces
> beautiful output. The draw library is also great for generating
> diagrams. I prefer functional-style drawing over LaTeX packages.
> What I would like to do is to be able to use these libraries in
> Maxima, Julia and other scientific computing environments.
> If I understand correctly, the plot package relies on the draw
> package, which in turn uses cairo. Since Racket is a compiled
> language, I thought that perhaps it would be possible to compile these
> packages as shared libraries and then (ideally automatically) generate
> bindings for the desired language.
> Given that a lot of time and expertise is involved in the development
> of the tools used in the scientific computing workflow, I believe that
> in order to maximize the profit and minimize the duplication of
> effort, such tools should be able to interoperate smoothly.
> In my view, the core algorithms should be written once in a compiled
> language and then all that should be needed to use them in your 
> prefered language is to generate the bindings.
> It really bothers me that the current status of scientific software
> engineering is such that there are several implementations of plotting
> libraries, computer algebra systems, numerical routines libraries,
> etc. all doing mostly the same things but differing in the language in
> which they are written.
> Note that I have nothing against diversity, but it seems to me that
> there is too much reinventing the wheel.
> I look forward to your comments.
> Best,
> Marduk
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