I was very curious about what you were talking about, as I saw wildly different numbers (in line with what I'd seen before).

However, I did the following test:

|> ~/tools/racket/6.1.1/bin/racket typed_divide.rkt
cpu time: 536 real time: 537 gc time: 27
cpu time: 347 real time: 347 gc time: 4
cpu time: 87 real time: 84 gc time: 0

|> ~/tools/racket/6.2.0/bin/racket typed_divide.rkt
cpu time: 567 real time: 565 gc time: 10
cpu time: 960 real time: 958 gc time: 13
cpu time: 83 real time: 84 gc time: 0

|> ~/tools/racket/6.2.1/bin/racket typed_divide.rkt
cpu time: 600 real time: 601 gc time: 70
cpu time: 970 real time: 974 gc time: 23
cpu time: 86 real time: 85 gc time: 0

The below program is what's being run:

#lang racket/base

(module t typed/racket/base
  (: divides? : Integer Integer -> Boolean)
  (define (divides? a b)
      [(zero? a)  #f]
      [else  (= (remainder b a) 0)]))
  (provide divides?))

(module c racket/base
  (require racket/contract/base)
  (define (divides? a b)
    (cond [(zero? a)  #f]
      [else  (= (remainder b a) 0)]))
      [divides? (-> exact-integer? exact-integer? boolean?)])))

(module no-contract racket/base
  (define (divides? a b)
      [(zero? a)
        (= (remainder b a) 0)]))
  (provide divides?))

(require (prefix-in with-contract: (submod "." c)))
(require (prefix-in typed: (submod "." t)))
(require (prefix-in no-contract: (submod "." no-contract)))

  (for ([x (in-range 3 5000000)])
    (if (3 . with-contract:divides? . x)

  (for ([x (in-range 3 5000000)])
    (if (3 . typed:divides? . x)

  (for ([x (in-range 3 5000000)])
    (if (3 . no-contract:divides? . x)

On Mon, 24 Aug 2015, Robby Findler wrote:

My message below is not doing the right test. This is the right test
and it produces the expected result, namely that the TR version runs a
bit faster (presumably because of type-based optimizations that TR


#lang racket

(module t typed/racket/base
 (: divides? : Integer Integer -> Boolean)
 (define (divides? a b)
   (cond [(zero? a)  #f]
         [else  (= (remainder b a) 0)]))
 (provide divides?))

(module c racket/base
 (require racket/contract/base)
 (define (divides? a b)
   (cond [(zero? a)  #f]
         [else  (= (remainder b a) 0)]))
   [divides? (-> exact-integer? exact-integer? boolean?)])))

(require (prefix-in c: (submod "." c)))
(require (prefix-in t: (submod "." t)))

(for ([x (in-range 3 5000000)])
  (if (3 . c:divides? . x)

(for ([x (in-range 3 5000000)])
  (if (3 . t:divides? . x)

On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 8:18 AM, Robby Findler
<ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu> wrote:
It looks to me like the slowdown isn't entirely explained by contract
checking, or perhaps TR isn't generating the contracts I would have
guessed. With the program below, I see this output

cpu time: 1228 real time: 1228 gc time: 133
cpu time: 658 real time: 658 gc time: 18
cpu time: 80 real time: 81 gc time: 0

but would have expected the first two lines to be nearly the same.


#lang racket

(require (only-in math/number-theory divides?))

(define (divisible-by? x d)
  (= (modulo x d)

(module d racket/base
  (require racket/contract/base)
  (define (divisible-by? x d)
    (= (modulo x d)
    [divisible-by? (-> exact-integer? exact-integer? boolean?)])))

(require (prefix-in c: (submod "." d)))

(module+ main
   (for ([x (in-range 3 5000000)])
     (if (3 . divides? . x)

   (for ([x (in-range 3 5000000)])
     (if (3 . c:divisible-by? . x)

   (for ([x (in-range 3 5000000)])
     (if (x . divisible-by? . 3)

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