OK, instead of "doc.scrbl", I'll have "<packagename>.scrbl".

Is it OK if I *exclude* the HTML rendering of the docs from the files included 
in the packaging altogether (which would give me the below files)?

* info.rkt  (the usual)
* somepackage.rkt  (the full implementation with embedded docs, for my
* main.rkt  (the PLaneT-like `require` wrapper for the package/collection)
* somepackage.scrbl  (the complete documentation Scribble file generated from
embedded docs with a tool that is not included in the package)

(I'm leaning towards excluding HTML rendered documentation from the package, 
because I dislike all the CSS/JS files.  And I'm probably going to use a 
modified HTML rendering for the package Web home pages anyway, rather than let 
the latest version of HTTP(S)-hosted package double as the home page, though I 
do like the simplicity of not having to host a separate home page.  I assume no 
one wants a nonstandard HTML rendering in the package files.)

Neil V.

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