On 10/6/2015 5:43 PM, Tony Garnock-Jones wrote:
On 10/06/2015 03:12 PM, George Neuner wrote:
> My (maybe wrong) understanding is that the response/*  functions only
> package the response data for the  send/*  functions to transmit.

They construct a `response` struct which includes an `output` procedure
which, given a port, is to write the response body to it.

So one might catch the exceptions in that procedure.

The /xexpr and /full variations have a precomputed blob to send, ready
in advance of the procedure being called, so the closure they build
could swallow TCP exceptions; the more general routines take an `output`
procedure directly.

I wasn't really aware of the internals, but I should have remembered about the generic functions because I'm wrapping response/output to write JSON and set cookies.

> However the  send/*  functions terminate the handler thread (possibly
> with a saved continuation), so we're back to "where does the error
> handler need to be?"

I think those functions end up passing the results of the response/*
functions out past the servlet-prompt; the `response-output` procedure
is called as usual to generate the response body.

That sounds reasonable.  I'll have to try it.

I'm not the OP, and in the case of a web-server app I agree with Jay that there's little can be done if a send fails [perhaps better application specific logging instead of the generic error]. If it does allow catching send errors it could prove useful at some point.

Thanks for the explanation.

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