On Thursday, January 28, 2016 at 11:36:50 PM UTC-6, Brandon Thomas wrote:
> On Thu, 2016-01-28 at 20:32 -0800, Scotty C wrote:
> > > I think you understand perfectly.
> > i'm coming around
> > 
> > > You said the keys are 128-bit (16 byte) values.  You can store one
> > > key
> > > directly in a byte string of length 16.
> > yup
> > 
> > > So instead of using a vector of pointers to individual byte
> > > strings,
> > > you would allocate a single byte string of length 
> > >    {buckets x chain length x 16} 
> > > and index it directly as if it were a 3-dimensional array [using
> > > offset calculations as you would in C].
> > i'm going to actually run my code later (probably in the morning).
> > and then grab some stats from the hash. take a look at the stats.
> > give me some thoughts on the above implementation after looking at
> > the stats.
> > 
> > > Can you explain why the bignums are important.  For a simple task
> > > like
> > > filtering a file, they would seem to be both a waste of memory and
> > > a
> > > performance drain wrt storing the key values as byte strings.
> > ok, true story. about 10 years ago i'm a student taking an intro to
> > ai class we have been assigned the 3x3 tile puzzle and 2 algorithms,
> > ida* and a*. also, try it on a 4x4. so i whip these out and am
> > appalled by how slow the fn things are but intrigued by what they can
> > do and i'm just a puzzle kind of guy. btw, the 4x4 wasn't solvable by
> > my stuff at the time. so i head to the chief's office with my little
> > bit of code. tell him it's way to slow. what do you think? he takes 5
> > seconds to peruse the item and says "you're probably making too much
> > memory". side note, later i graded this class for that prof and the
> > same project. not a single student, including the ms and phd types,
> > did anything better than a vector of vectors of ints. so back to me,
> > i'm thinking, how do i cram 4 bits together so that there is
> > absolutely no wasted space. i start digging through the documentation
> > and i find the bitwise stuff. i see arithmetic shift and having no
> > idea whether it will work or not i type into the interface
> > (arithmetic-shift 1 1000000). if we blow up, well we blow up big but
> > we didn't. i flipped everything in my project to bignum at that
> > point. the bignum stuff is massively faster than vector of vectors of
> > ints and faster than just a single vector of ints. lots of bignum is
> > easy to implement, like the hash. making a child state, not so much.
> > i'm not married to bignums despite all this.
> > 
> > > I've been programming for over 30 years, professionally for 23.
> > i was a programmer. dot com bought us as a brick and mortar back in
> > '99 and the whole shebang blew up 2 years later. idiots. anyway, been
> > a stay at home dad for the most part since then.
> > 
> > > have an MS in Computer Science
> > me too. that's the other piece of the most part from up above.
> > 
> > > (current-memory-use)
> > yup, tried that a while back didn't like what i saw. check this out:
> > 
> > > (current-memory-use)
> > 581753864
> > > (current-memory-use)
> > 586242568
> > > (current-memory-use)
> > 591181736
> > > (current-memory-use)
> > 595527064
> > 
> > does that work for you?
> > 
> For whatever you're storing, I still suggest using a disk based
> structure (preferably using one that's already optimised and built for
> you). I've done a bit of work on cache aware algortihms, where reducing
> memory footprint is really big (along with the memory juggling). Yes,
> if you try to store something that takes only a few bits and store each
> one into an integer, you'll have waisted space. In theory, you could
> use a bignum, and only shift it as many bits as you need, which is what
> you have done. The issue with that is that bignum's have extra overhead
> thats neccessary for it to do arithmetic. Obviously, there needs to be
> a way to match or beat bignums with primitive structures, since bignums
> are implemented with primitive structures. So, if you want to beat
> bignum for storage, you'll want to use some contiguous memory with
> fixed sized elements (like byte strings, or arrays of uint32_t's in C)
> - but using bit manipulation on each byte, such that you have multiple
> stored values in each one, directly beside eachother bitwise, like a
> bignum has, but without it's overhead.
> Regards,
> Brandon Thomas

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