
I'm trying to do something like a unit "mixin", but have gotten stuck.

Here's a sketch of what I'd like:

#lang racket

(define-signature x^ (a))
(define-signature y^ (b))
(define-signature z^ (c))

(define-signature f^ (f))

(define-unit u@
  (import x^ y^ z^)
  (export f^)
  (define (f q) (+ a b c q)))

;; a transformer on units implementing f^
(define-unit double@
  (import (rename f^ (g f)))
  (export f^)
  (define (f x) (g (g x))))

(define-unit xyz@
  (export x^ y^ z^)
  (define-values (a b c) (values 1 2 3)))

  (link xyz@ u@))

I'd like to be able to do something in that last definition that is
essentially double@ "applied to" u@.  Is there some way to accomplish
that?  In particular, some way that doesn't require enumerating the
imports of u@?


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