A few things:

1. You're mixing elements of `syntax-rules` and `syntax-case` /
   `syntax-parse`. The former has an implicit template in its right-hand
   side, so you don't need the `#``, whereas you do with `syntax-case` /

2. If you want this to define a function (as I'm guessing from the name
   `fun`), you should add parentheses around the name you're defining.

3. Because you're not trying to *match* the name `fun`, but only
   expanding to it, you don't need it in the literal list.

Here's a version that should do what you want:

    (define-syntax mysyn
      (syntax-rules ()
        [(mysyn element ...)
         (define (fun)
           (display element)
    (mysyn 1 2 3)

Or, using the simpler `define-syntax-rule`:

     (define-syntax-rule (mysyn element ...)
       (define (fun)
         (display element)

Of course, it's usually best to use functions wherever possible, and
only use macros as a last resort. Assuming you're planning to use the
code (i.e., you're not using it to learn about macros), I'd write it
like this:

    (define (fun . args) (for-each display args))

Functions compose more easily, and are easier to understand and to debug.


On Wed, 30 Mar 2016 15:06:24 -0500,
cna...@cs.washington.edu wrote:
> Consider a toy macro defined as:
> (define-syntax mysyn
>     (syntax-rules(fun)
>       [(mysyn element ...)
>        (begin
>          #`(define fun
>              (display element)...))]))
> and a list:
> (define l '(1 2 3))
> Is there a way to call the macro like so: (mysyn l). When I try this, the 
> syntax object created looks like: '(define fun (display l)). 
> What I want it to look like is:
> '(define fun 
>    (display 1)
>    (display 2)
>    (display 3))
> In other words, my question is whether/how I can pass the entire list to the 
> macro and let the macro be expanded on each element of it.
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