Thanks,  Matthew.  There's safety and then there's safety. I'm mostly
concerned with and application-level soft reset. I can add some thread
messaging to make sure the thread dies on its own, then shut down
everything. I was hoping to avoid this plumbing.

On Apr 21, 2016 10:40 AM, "Matthew Flatt" <> wrote:

> At Tue, 19 Apr 2016 10:39:57 -0400, Deren Dohoda wrote:
> > I have a thread that can only be shut down during certain points:
> In general, you can't implement that safety in Racket, in much the same
> way you can't implement that in Unix or Windows process.
> As long as the thread might get shut down through
> `custodian-shutdown-all` (like a Unix process might get terminated with
> SIGKILL), there's nothing the thread can do about it --- at least not
> safely.
> There's also no way to register arbitrary code to run in the event that
> a thread gets killed (in the same way that there's no API for
> registering code to run if your process is killed in Unix). If there
> were such a feature, then a thread could just put all of its work in
> that callback, and there would be no way to reliably terminate a
> thread's computation.
> > [...] it does
> > some writing operations on a port and this write must finish under normal
> > circumstances. I worry that if this thread is managed by a custodian and
> > custodian-shutdown-all is called that the thread may die in the middle
> of a
> > write operation on a port. Is this where I would use a will?
> Wills are unlikely to help. It depends on your situation, but in a
> typical case where a thread might get shut down through a custodian, a
> thread that's acting as a will executor can also get shut down.
> There is an unsafe function, `register-finalizer`, which lets you
> register a will that has an executor thread that can never get killed
> (unless the whole Racket process is killed). That's probably not what
> you want, but I mention it for completeness.
> Using a particular pattern, you can use to make something "kill safe"
> in the following sense: if multiple clients are using an object, and if
> one of them is killed while manipulating the object, a later use by a
> different client can pick up where the previous thread left off to
> restore the object to usability. See the paper "Kill-Safe
> Synchronization Abstractions" for more on that pattern.
> Along those lines, if there's some thread X that won't get killed
> relative to another set of threads, you can have X run the action or
> have it start a new thread with X's custodian to ensure that the action
> will complete. At least, it will complete relative to the threads that
> might get killed. Whether you can arrange for such an X depends on how
> much your program is in control from the start.
> If you have something where you need an action to complete atomically
> --- even if no future client touches the relevant object and you don't
> have access to a thread that will definitely continue --- then it's not
> possible to implement that safely. In the grand scheme of things, it's
> not possible to implement at all, at least for an arbitrary action; the
> Racket process might get killed, the power might go out, and so on.
> If termination external to Racket run-time system is not a concern,
> then you can implement atomic actions unsafely. See
> `ffi/unsafe/atomic`. Please be aware that atomicity really is unsafe;
> you need to know the full affect of any function called in atomic mode
> to make sure that it cannot lead to deadlock or similar problems.
> Generally, that's how actions like shutting down a custodian can be
> implemented atomically relative to the rest of the Racket runtime
> system; those primitives are implemented (carefully!) to run in atomic
> mode.

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