On Apr 27, 2016, at 12:30 PM, Alex Knauth <alexan...@knauth.org> wrote:
> Well, it's not even that. This doesn't work:
>   (let ()
>     (define-sli-foo)
>     (let ()
>       (invoke-sli-foo)))

Based on that, here's simpler example of why I find `syntax-local-introduce` 

It seems to break the #1 rule of hygienic macros — that macro-introduced 
identifiers retain their bindings from the macro-definition site — merely by 

Consider the examples below. The `invoke-foo` macro introduces `foo`, which, by 
the #1 rule, ought to refer to the `foo` function defined nearby. 

Example A: `invoke-foo` relies on the hygienic `foo` reference. As we would 

Example B: But when `define-sli-foo` is used next to `invoke-foo`, 
`define-sli-foo` somehow manages to rebind the `foo` identifier inside 

Example C: As Alex points out, when `invoke-foo` is moved into a sub-`let`, 
hygiene is restored (even though we'd ordinarily expect `define` bindings to 
carry through).

Makes me nostalgic for the good old days of `datum->syntax` ...

#lang racket

(define (foo) 'hygienic-func)

(define-syntax-rule (invoke-foo) (foo))

(define-syntax (define-sli-foo stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
     (with-syntax ([sli-foo (syntax-local-introduce #'foo)])
           (define (sli-foo) 'sli-func)))]))

(module* test #f
  (require rackunit)
  ;; example A
  (check-equal? (invoke-foo) 'hygienic-func) ; yes of course
  ;; example B
   (let ()
     (invoke-foo)) 'sli-func) ; um, why?
  ;; example C
   (let ()
     (let ()
       (invoke-foo))) 'hygienic-func)) ; gaah why?!?!?!?

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