Just for fun, if you want to be a little bit naughty, you can define
a custom #%top transformer that will make unbound identifiers that
are fully qualified automatically resolve to their imported values.
Just do a little bit of processing on the unbound identifiers:

  #lang racket

  (require (for-syntax racket/list

  (define-syntax #%top
      [(_ . id:id)
       (define id-str (symbol->string (syntax-e #'id)))
       (define components (string-split id-str "/"))
       (match-define-values (mod-components (list mod-id-str))
                            (split-at-right components 1))
       (define mod-path (string-join mod-components "/"))
       (with-syntax ([mod-path-id (string->symbol mod-path)]
                     [mod-id (datum->syntax #'id (string->symbol mod-id-str))])
           (syntax-local-introduce #'mod-path-id)
           (syntax-local-introduce #'mod-id))))]))

Now you can do something like this:

  > (racket/base/list 1 2 3)
  '(1 2 3)

Unfortunately, this won’t work for macros because unbound identifiers
handled by #%top cannot resolve to a macro identifier (more
specifically, the #%app introduced puts the produced syntax in an
expression context). I’m not sure if there’s a way around that, and
the explicit use of some sort of require transformer is definitely
much nicer. Just a little bit fun to see how easy it is to do
something like this. ;)

> On Jun 29, 2016, at 6:05 AM, Shakna Israel <s4b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to introduce an implicit binding for require.
> One of the features I love about Python, is the namespace binding.
> import sys
> sys.stdout.write("Sweet")
> I know this can also be accomplished with require by specifying a prefix-in, 
> or a prefix-out with a local-require.
> However, I want a require that does that for me.
> (require racket/base)
> (racket/base:println "It works!")
> Figuring the namespace mangling is simple enough.
> However, for this to work, I think I need a require transformer, but I'm at a 
> loss. The only example I see can mess with the module path, but not the 
> symbols it exposes.
> Any pointers?
> -- 
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