> On Jul 16, 2016, at 2:16 PM, David Storrs <david.sto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to write a macro to test expected exceptions.  I'd like it
> to have the following forms:
> (throws exception-generator-function proc msg)
> (throws exception-generator-function string msg)
> Where 'proc' would be something like exn:fail? and 'string' would be
> matched against the message inside the exception.
> I got all the pieces of this working but not playing nice together.
> There's three elements in the pattern for both versions, so the only
> way to distinguish which to use is by the types of the arguments.  I
> looked at syntax classes but made no headway on grokking that.  I saw
> the #:when keyword for patterns and thought that would do what I
> needed.  The following code seems like it should work, but it doesn't.
> What am I missing?
> (define-syntax (throws stx)
>  (syntax-parse stx
>                [(_ boom pred msg)
>                 #:when (lambda () (procedure? #'pred))
>                 #'(with-handlers
>                    ([(lambda (x) #t) ;; already checked it's a proc
>                      (lambda (xcpt)
>                        (println "procedure form"))])
>                    boom)]
>                [(_ boom pred msg)
>                 #:when (lambda () (string? #'pred))
>                 #'(with-handlers
>                    ([(lambda (x) #t) ;; already checked it's a string
>                      (println "string form")])
>                    boom)]))
> (define (boom) (raise-argument-error 'boom "PEBKAC" 18)) ;; random choices
> (throws (boom) exn:fail? "should trigger the proc form")
> (throws (boom) "PEBKAC"  "should trigger the string form")

A few problems with this.

One, you shouldn't put extra (lambda () ...)s around the #:when conditions. A 
lambda is a truthy value, since it's not false, so those #:when checks weren't 
checking anything at all.

Two, once you remove those lambdas, (procedure? #'pred) will always fail 
because #'pred isn't the actual predicate, it's an expression, which might 
eventually evaluate to predicate, or it might evaluate something else. At 
compile-time, you just don't know yet. What you could do is check that it's an 
identifier, with (identifier? #'pred).

Three, (string? #'pred) will also always fail, because #'pred is an expression. 
Now for this you can actually check that it is a string, by using (string? 
(syntax-e #'pred)).

Four, in the second clause you have (println "string form") as the handler 
function. You probably meant to put a lambda around it like you did for the 
first clause: (lambda (xcpt) (println "string form")).

Five, did you mean to actually use the pred argument in the exception 
predicates of the with-handlers forms? 

Six, did you mean to use the msg argument for anything?

With the first five of these addressed, the code looks like this:

#lang racket
(require (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))
(define-syntax (throws stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
    [(_ boom pred msg)
     #:when (identifier? #'pred)
             (lambda (xcpt)
               (println "procedure form"))])
    [(_ boom pred msg)
     #:when (string? (syntax-e #'pred))
           ([(lambda (x) (string-contains? (exn-message x) pred))
             (lambda (xcpt)
               (println "string form"))])

(define (boom) (raise-argument-error 'boom "PEBKAC" 18)) ;; random choices
(throws (boom) exn:fail? "should trigger the proc form")
(throws (boom) "PEBKAC"  "should trigger the string form")

Although there is an easier, better way to check whether an argument is an 
identifier or a string, since you're using syntax-parse. You can use the id 
syntax class in the first clause, and the str syntax class in the second 
clause. Then the code looks like this:

#lang racket
(require (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))
(define-syntax (throws stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
    [(_ boom pred:id msg)
             (lambda (xcpt)
               (println "procedure form"))])
    [(_ boom pred:str msg)
           ([(lambda (x) (string-contains? (exn-message x) pred))
             (lambda (xcpt)
               (println "string form"))])

(define (boom) (raise-argument-error 'boom "PEBKAC" 18)) ;; random choices
(throws (boom) exn:fail? "should trigger the proc form")
(throws (boom) "PEBKAC"  "should trigger the string form")

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