On Saturday, July 16, 2016 at 7:06:10 PM UTC-4, David K. Storrs wrote:
> So, if one should prefer functions, what is a good place to use
> macros?  When people talk about why LISP/Scheme/Racket are the most
> powerful languages, they inevitably mention macros and continuations.
> What is a good use case for macros?

You generally want macros for things that can't be done with functions period, 
for instance a static type checker, pattern matching, a class system with 
static method resolution, making your own language, etc.

Your use case can benefit from macros by having a function that accepts a 
procedure to test and making a macro that constructs the function from a series 
of body expressions. Consider an example of a slightly modified version of your 
throws function:

(throws "Should throw when frobnicating non-widgets"
  (lambda ()
    (frobnicate (make-gizmo))))

Notice you have to wrap the "(frobnicate (make-gizmo))" expression in a thunk 
(a function that takes no arguments) so the throws function can control when 
the test expression is evaluated. If you didn't, throws would evaluate 
"(frobnicate (make-gizmo))" as its argument before doing anything and the 
exception would be thrown immediately. If you don't want to have to write the 
wrapper lambda all the time, you can make a macro version of throws that adds 
the lambda for you:

; define-simple-macro is basically define-syntax-rule but using syntax-parse
; instead of syntax-case
(define-simple-macro (throws-macro message:expr matcher:expr body:expr ...+)
  (throws message matcher (lambda () body ...)))

; expands to a call to the throws test function
(throws-macro "Should throw when frobnicating non-widgets"
  (frobnicate (make-gizmo)))

The throws-macro *at compile time* transforms the body expression it's given 
into an expression with a wrapper lambda, but *at runtime* the throws function 
does all the actual testing and logic. It's common for macro-writers to keep as 
much logic as possible out of macros and in runtime functions, as that's what 
functions are best at.

One last note - this particular use case for macros can also be achieved with 
lazy evaluation, but macros and lazy evaluation in general have very different 
non-overlapping goals and it's best not to conflate them.

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