Thanks very much.
Very clear answer.
I am talking about HTML, indeed.
I certainly will try your code.
Thanks again, Jos 

-----Original Message-----
From: Dupéron Georges [] 
Sent: martes, 23 de agosto de 2016 12:56
To: Racket Users
Subject: Re: linespacing in scribble with superscripts

Le jeudi 18 août 2016 22:21:37 UTC+2, jos.koot a écrit :
> #lang scribble/manual
> bla blah blah@(linebreak)
> blah blah bla @superscript{blah blah bah}@(linebreak)
> bla blah blah
> the linespacing between the first 2 lines is larger
> than between the last 2 lines.

I suppose you are talking about the HTML output, as LaTeX (used for the PDF 
output) handles this correctly, unless you start
stacking many superscripts, as you noted.

I used a quick hack to collapse the element's vertical height in HTML, with 
`margin-top` and `margin-bottom` set to an arbitrary,
large, negative value, and `display: inline-block;` so that the margin is taken 
into account.

Unfortunately, scribble doesn't apply a CSS class to superscript elements, and 
instead it uses some hard-coded `style="…"` attribute
on the element. I therefore suggest overriding the `superscript` function with 
your own definition. The code below renders as the
attached screenshot, and allows you to use the `@original-superscript{…}` if 
you need.

#lang scribble/manual

@(require scribble/core
          (only-in scribble/manual
                   [superscript original-superscript]))
@(define thin-superscript-css
   (string->bytes/utf-8 #<<EOCSS
.thinSuperscript {
  vertical-align: super;
  font-size: 80%;
  margin: -10em 0;
  display: inline-block;

@(define thin-superscript-tex
   (string->bytes/utf-8 #<<EOTEX

@(define (superscript . pre-content)
   (apply elem pre-content
          #:style (style "thinSuperscript"
                         (list (css-addition thin-superscript-css)
                               (tex-addition thin-superscript-tex)))))

bla blah blah@(linebreak) 
blah blah bla @superscript{blah blah bah}.
Text after correctly laid out@(linebreak)
bla blah blah

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