I posted to this thread yesterday through Gmane, but I see it hasn't yet appeared. Posting through Gmane has been flaky lately - I'm sending this updated version via email. Not sure what's happening with Gmane. Apologies if you see things multiple times.



On 8/24/2016 7:36 AM, Normal Loone wrote:
Sorry, I should have been clearer:

I want to send a file directly from DrRacket to a server. I have submit button 
as a plugin in DrRacket and it then should take the file and send it to the 
server (the file is known, doesnt need to be selected from user).

I tried the code from HTH Stephen, but problem is that the web application 
starts on DrRacket start and not when I press the button, how I wanted it.

So if someone could tell me a way to just directly send a file with DrRacket as 
an HTML request, I'd really appreciate that.

On Tue, 23 Aug 2016 02:09:24 -0700 (PDT), Normal Loone
<andreas.m.wiest-mmb7mzph...@public.gmane.org> wrote:

>Yeah, my main problem is how do I pack the file into a JSON Object
>and then send it?

Just FYI: JSON is a printable coding, so any non-printable characters
in a binary file must be escaped - making the transfer larger.

The read-json and write-json functions take care of escaping, but if
you are sending large files, the conversion overhead may be significant.

Note that converting an arbitrary binary file to JSON is convoluted -
JSON is meant to handle character strings, not bytes.  You have
to do something like:

    (string->jsexpr  (bytes->string/utf-8  file-bytes))

which is a problem if the file is very large as the file data and converted
string both need to be in memory.  It's possible to send a file in pieces
and reassemble it at the receiver, but that can get quite complicated.

>With (require net/http-client) I could already establish a connection
>with (http-conn-sendrecv! hc uri), but All I can send is the empty
>header of the http request.
>How do I add the HTML code or the file in the json object within it?

If the data is JSON encoded, you can send it as an HTTP string
parameter: e.g.,

(require net/http-client

(let [
        (list (cons 'file  json-encoded-data ))
       (list "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded")

       ((resp-code resp-hdrs port)
        (http-sendrecv host
                       #:method #"POST"
                       #:data params
                       #:headers headers
    (printf "~s~n~s~n~s~n"
            (port->bytes port))

The print at the end is displaying the server's response.

There is a limit  - which I can't recall at the moment - to the size of
simple upload forms, so you might have trouble sending a long
file this way.

Large uploads, binary data uploads, and piecemeal incremental
uploads are meant to be done using multipart forms.

Multipart forms are complex to encode: they have opening headers,
boundary markers enclosing and sometimes interspersed with the
data, and closing footers after the data.

I don't have a ready example. For more information see

Hope this helps,

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