I'm starting a new discussion topic, so as not to crowd
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/racket-users/4SnwpX6gYqk .

2016-08-26 0:32 GMT+02:00 Alex Knauth <alexan...@knauth.org>:
> How would a library express indentation rules? Would indentation rules
meant for s-expression languages be useful in at-exp or sweet-exp notations?

Below are some ideas, but I'm definitely sure something better can be
TL;DR: we could specify the indentation of each s-expression with respect
to another preceding s-expression (but not necessarily the one just
before), and indicating if it should be indented by 0, 2 or 4 spaces.

>From what I've seen, lisps and schemes have a few indentation styles for a
given line:

Indent a bit, with respect to the beginning of the enclosing s-expression:

    (define ;; indent = 0
      a     ;; indent += small

Indent a a lot (twice as much?), with respect to the beginning of the
enclosing s-expression.

    (λ         ;; indent = 0
        (args) ;; indent += big
      body)    ;; indent += small, with respect to line 1

Indent the as much as the first argument of the enclosing form.

    (displayln datum

Indent as much as the first s-expression on the previous line (this is
basically just `begin` specifying a +small indentation for all of

      (define x 1) (define y 2) ;; indent = 2
      (displayln (+ x y)))      ;; indent += 0

Has anyone seen another kind of indentation? Reader extensions like #' and
dotted pairs may need some extra thought.

I think the cases above can be generalized to: “Indent this s-expression so
that it aligns with that other preceding s-expression (exactly | plus a
small indent of 2 spaces | plus a large indent of 4 spaces)“. It allows
some less common indentation styles:

The code
    (some-macro #:kw #:kw-one-arg arg1 #:kw-trhee-args argA argB argC)
may specify the following indentation styles:
    #:kw => +small, w.r.t some-macro
    #:kw-one-arg => exactly, w.r.t #:kw
    arg1 => +small, w.r.t #:kw-one-arg
    #:kw-three-args => exactly, w.r.t #:kw (or w.r.t #:kw-one-arg)
    argA => +small, w.r.t #:kw-three-args
    argB => exactly, w.r.t argA
    argC => exactly, w.r.t argA
which gives the following indentations, depending on where the newlines are:
    (some-macro #:kw #:kw-one-arg arg1 #:kw-three-args argA argB argC)
    (some-macro #:kw
                #:kw-one-arg arg1
                #:kw-three-args argA argB argC)
    (some-macro #:kw
                  argA argB
      #:kw-three-args argA argB

Given a caml-style let-in macro, the code
    (let (x . y) z = (values (cons 1 2) 3) t = 4 in body)
may specify the following indentation styles:
    (x . y) => +big, w.r.t let
    z => exactly, w.r.t (x . y)
    = => exactly w.r.t (x . y)
    t =>  exactly w.r.t (x . y)
    =  => exactly w.r.t (x . y)
    4 =>  exactly w.r.t (x . y)
    in => exactly w.r.t let
    body => +small w.r.t let
which gives the following indentations, depending on where the newlines are:
    (let (x . y) z = (values (cons 1 2) 3) t = 4 in body)
        (x . y) z = (values (cons 1 2) 3)
        t = 4
        (x . y) z = (values (cons 1 2) 3)
        t = 4 in
    (let (x . y) z = (values (cons 1 2) 3)
         t = 4
     in body)
    (let (x . y) z = (values (cons 1 2) 3) t = 4 in

I'm not used to sweet-exp, so I cannot say much about it, but the rules
above seem to translate naturally to at-exp in most cases, but not all:
    @some-macro[#:kw #:kw-one-arg arg1 #:kw-three-args argA argB argC]
                #:kw-one-arg arg1
                #:kw-three-args argA argB argC]
                  argA argB
      #:kw-three-args argA argB
bonus: if the [ appears first on its line, it uses the indentation of the
following token, and shifts everyting until ] by 1 space:
       #:kw-three-args argA argB]
things are do not look so good when using {} for the last argument:
       #:kw-three-args argA argB]{

    @let[(x . y) z = (values (cons 1 2) 3) t = 4 in body]
        (x . y) z = (values (cons 1 2) 3)
        t = 4
This one looks a bit weird too (because the "[" bracket is opened on the
second line):
        [(x . y) z = (values (cons 1 2) 3)
         t = 4 in
Where should the closing brace "}" be positioned ?
    @let[(x . y) z = (values (cons 1 2) 3)
         t = 4
    @let[(x . y) z = (values (cons 1 2) 3) t = 4 in

An interesting feature that would require more thought would be to provide
"alignment tabs", so that getting the body of all clauses in a cond
statement is easy, if the IDE supports it:
      [x                   body1]
      [very-long-condition body2]
      [yzt                 body4])

Georges Dupéron

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